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Albers, J. (2013) Interaction of Colour. London: Yale University Press.

Badiou, A. (2016) Black: The brilliance of a non‐colour. London: Polity Press.

Batchelor, D. (2006) Colour (Documents of Contemporary Art). London: MIT Press.

Batchelor, D. (2014) The Luminous and the Grey. London: Reaktion Books.

Batchelor, D. (2010) Found Monochromes. London: Ridinghouse.

Mavor, C. (2012) Black and Blue: The Bruising Passion of Camera Lucida, Sans Soleil and

Hiroshima mon amour. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Mavor, C. (2013) Blue Mythologies: Reflections on a Colour. London. Reaktion Books.

Miller, B. L. (2014) ‘“He” Had Me at Blue: Color Theory and Visual Art. (cover story)’, Leonardo, 47(5), pp. 460–465

Nelson, M (2009) Bluets. London. Vintage

Pastoureau, M. (2016) Red: The History of a Colour. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.

Katharina Grosse discusses her use of colour

Art 21Episode #218 (17 April 2015). Katharina Grosse, Painting With Colour

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