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Digital Art and Media

Bridle, James (2018) New Dark Age: Technology and the End of the Future. Verso Books


Chandler, A. and Neumark, N. eds. (2005) At A Distance: Precursors to Art and Activism on the Internet. Cambridge: MIT Press.


Chion, M. (1994) Audio-Vision. New York: Columbia University Press.


Cornell, L. & Halter, E., (2015) Critical Anthologies in Art and Culture. MA: MIT Press.

E-Flux Journal - the Internet Does Not Exist. (2015) Sternberg Press / E-Flux Journal


Hansen, M. B. N. (2006) New Philosophy for New Media. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press


Ikoniadou, E. (2014) The Rhythmic Event: Art, Media and the Sonic. MA: MIT Press.

Kholeif, O (2015) You are Here: Art After the Internet. Cornerhouse Publications


Manovich, L. (2001) The Language of New Media. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.


Rodgers, T. (2010) Pink Noises: Women on Electronic Music and Sound. Durham: Duke University Press.


Rush, M. (2005) New Media in Art. London: Thames & Hudson.


Shaviro, S. (2010) Post-Cinematic affect. Hants: Zero Books.

Steyerl, H (2012) The Wretched of the Screen. Berlin: Sternberg Press / E-Flux Journal


Youngblood, G. (1970) Expanded Cinema. London: Studio Vista.


Wands, B. (2006) Art of The Digital Age, London: Thames & Hudson.

 Lorna Mills


Cover image:

Maia Conran

Crowd (2012)

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