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Economies of art


Abbing, H. (2002) Why Are Artists Poor? The Exceptional Economy of the Arts. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.


Adam, G. (2014) Big Bucks: The Explosion of the Art Market in the 21st Century. London: Lund Humphries. 

Beech, D (2019) Art and Postcapitalism: Aesthetic Labour, Automation and Value Production. London. Pluto Press

Kunst, B (2015) Artist at work, proximity of art and capitalism Alresford: Zero Books


Lewandowska, M. & Ptak, L. eds. (2013) Undoing Property? New York: Sternberg Press.


Roberts, J. (2007) The Intangibilities of Form: Skill and Deskilling in Art after the Readymade. London: Verso Books.

Rosler, M ( 2103) Culture Class. Berlin: Sternberg Press / E-Flux Journal


Thompson, D. (2012) The $12 million Stuffed Shark. London: St Martins Press.

Thompson, D. (2014) The Supermodel and the Brillo Box. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 


Widenheim, C., et al (2012) Work Work Work: A Reader on Art and Labour. New York: Sternberg Press.


Wu, C.T. (2002) Privatising Culture: Corporate Art Intervention Since the 1980s. London: Verso Books.


Image: The Momart fire.

In May 2004 a fire destroyed the Momart warehouse in east London

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