Rachel Pimm
Back-Buttered Band Quarry Tile (poster) and Sticklepath-Lustleigh Fault (print), both from Resistant Materials, 2017
Environment and Ecologies
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Cape Farewell – The cultural response to climate change
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Grisewold, E. ‘How Silent Spring Ignited the Environmental Movement’, New York Times, Sept, 21st 2012
Lippard, L. (2014) Undermining: A Wild Ride Through Land Use, Politics, and Art in the Changing West. New York: The New Press.
Lowenhaupt Tsing, Anna (2015) The Mushroom at the End of the World: On the Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins, Princeton: Princeton University Press
Lowenhaupt Tsing, Anna; Swanson, Heather; Gan, Elaine; Bubandt, Nils (2017) Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet: Ghosts and Monsters of the Anthropocene. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press
Porrit, J. Mancorda, F & Demos, T. J. (2009) Radical Nature: Art and Architecture for a Changing Planet, 1969-2009. London: Buchhandlung Walther Koenig.
What is the Anthropocene? The Anthropocene epoch: scientists declare dawn of human-influenced age
The Podcast for Social research, Episode 17: Reading Donna Haraway in the Anthropocene