Histories of Art
Araeen, R. (1989) The Other Story: Afro-Asian Artists in Post-war Britain. London: Hayward Gallery.
Barlow, C. (2017) Queer British Art: 1867-1967. London: Tate Publishing.
Baucom, I. Boyce, S., Bailey, D. (2005) Shades of Black: Assembling Black Arts in 1980s Britain. North Carolina: Duke University Press in association with Iniva and African and Asian Visual Artists' Archive
Bow Down Podcast: A series about significant women artists from the past who deserve our attention
Bernier, C-M (2019) Stick to the Skin: African American and Black British Art 1965-2015, California: University of California Press
Broude, N. & Garard, M. D. eds. (1982) Feminism and Art History: Questioning the Litany. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
Broude, N. & Garard, M. D. eds. (1992) Expanding Discourse: Feminism and Art History. London: Harper Collins.
Broude, N. & Garard, M. D. (2005) Reclaiming Female Agency: Feminist Art History After Postmodernism. Oakland, CA.: University of California Press.
Burton, J. & Ellegood, A. (2014) Take it or Leave it: Institution, Image, Ideology. Los Angeles: Hammer Museum
Digitally catalogued at: https://hammer.ucla.edu/take-it-or-leave-it/artists/
Butt, G. (2005) Between You and Me: Queer Disclosures in the New York Art World. Durham: Duke University Press.
Chambers, E. (2014) Black British Artists in British Art: A History from 1950 to the Present. London: I. B. Tauris.
Cunningham, C. & Perry, G. (1999) Academies, Museums and Canons of Art. London: Yale University Press.
Dezeuze, A. (2016) Almost Nothing: Observations on precarious practices in contemporary art. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Durant, S. (ed.) (2007) Black Panther: The Revolutionary Art of Emory Douglas. New York: Rizzoli.
Edwards, S. & Wood, P. (2013) Art and Visual Culture 1850-2010: Modernity to Globalisation. London: Tate Publishing.
English, D. (2016) 1971: A Year in the Life of Color. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
- Darby English, Ph.D., on 1971, A Year in the Life of Color. A talk related to the book.
Fer, B. (2000) On Abstract Art. London: Yale University Press.
Fer, B., (2004) The Infinite Line: Re-making Art After Modernism. London: Yale University Press.
Foster, H ed. The Anti-Aesthetic: Essays on Postmodern Culture. New York: The New Press.
Foster, Hal et al. (2004) Art since 1900: Modernism, Antimodernism, Postmodernism. London: Thames and Hudson.
Jones, C. A., (1999) The Machine in the Studio: Constructing the Postwar American Artist. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Keen, M. & Ward, L. (1996) Recordings: a select bibliography of contemporary African, Afro-Caribbean and Asian British art. London: Iniva. Digitised here:
Mercer, K. ed. (2008) Exiles, Diasporas and Strangers. London: Iniva & MIT Press.
Morris, C. (2018) We Wanted a Revolution: Black Radical Women, 1965-85: New Perspectives. Durham: Duke University Press.
Perry, G. (199) Gender & Art. London: Yale University Press.
Pollock, G. (2003) Vision & Difference: Feminism, Femininity and Histories of Art. London: Routledge.
Rhodes, C. (1994) Primitivism and Modern Art. London: Thames and Hudson.
Rhodes, C. (2000) Outsider Art: Spontaneous Alternatives. London: Thames and Hudson.
Taylor, B. (2014) After Constructivism. Yale: Yale University Press.
Zabunyan, E. (2004) Black is a Colour – A History of African American Art. Dijon: Les presses du reel.
De Zegher, C. (1996) Inside the Visible: Elliptical Traverse of Twentieth Century Art in, of and from the Feminine. London: MIT Press.
Women in Conceptual Art symposium recordings Chelsea College of Arts 2018
Why Were So Many Women Artists Excluded from the History of Abstract Expressionism? Podcast discussion with artist Judith Godwin, art historian Linda Nochlin & curator Karen Wilkin on the occasion of the exhibition Women of Abstract Expressionism (Denver Art Museum 2016)

Markus Vater